The contents of this blog are solely my opinion and in no way reflect that of the Peace Corps.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Sports Predictions Made Easy / NHL 09-10 so far
1. Look up the finalists from last season
2. Say they will meet again*
3. Say the team that won last season will repeat.
*If you are The Sporting News, pick the most tired option in assuming that San Jose will make it to the Western Conference finals even though they’ve been at the top of the league or lead it in points but can’t manage to string any playoff wins together. Of course the Penguins could very well win again, but many predicted Detroit to repeat last year… so you see where this is headed.
We’re already to the Christmas break in the NHL and the Olympics are just around the corner. It kills me to think that I won’t get to see much of them, but I’m secretly hoping to download some of the games afterwards. Although it’s hard to really gauge since I can only follow from box scores, standings and statistics, but I feel like this has been one of the oddest years in recent history.
First, we have to talk about my team. With a huge trade to bring in this year’s predicted “missing piece,” it’s apparent that it will take more than Chris Pronger to take the Flyers anywhere. Losing Knuble and Lupul have certainly hurt. As time passes by, it appears that Simon Gagne is no longer a durable player. Spending so much has left little room for goaltending and the Flyers might really be sunk with Ray Emery on the shelf. Rumors had Jaroslav Halak being offered on a deal, which means that maybe his agent can make Tweets about Ray Emery too in the near future. In my opinion, the Flyers should have thought about Halak and Pavelec last year when the price would have been cheaper both for trading and signing. But it doesn’t matter how good a goalie is if there is little being done offensively, which has certainly been the case. The good news is that, just like when I missed the season in 2006 when I was in Germany, if I’m not there to see them fail, it’s like it doesn’t happen. Call it “distance-induced sports denial,” if you will.
That the Wings have been bringing up the rear is surprising. But that’s not the only eye-popper about the Western Conference standings. The Kings? The Coyotes? Believe me when I say I couldn’t be more surprised or happier about that. Phoenix is not the hockey town it was in its early days when the franchise had a lot of early success. Given the financial situation with home values in Phoenix and the recent failure of the team, it’s not surprising that the situation has become so dire. But on ice success will hopefully help to right the wrongs of poorly thought out overexpansion into unstable and sometimes unnecessary markets.
I continue to be amazed at the length of contracts. Hockey has become so complex during the age of the salary cap. The times were simpler when teams like the Rangers, Wings and Flyers were the highest spenders. The cap has brought an understandably huge collection of numbers with it. Cap hit? Average salary? LTIR (Mike Rathje, where are you?) The amount teams pay for players daily as worked out by their annual salary and the number of days in the season?
But with any system, teams will eventually find a way to push it as far as they can, and the answer to this problem: long, long contracts that lead to “it seemed like a good idea at the time” regrets. Consider it hockey’s idea of a 2 at 10 and a 10 at 2. I want to stab myself when I think that Danny Briere will be a Flyer for a few more years, but at the time it was a necessary signing given the team’s then-status as worst in the league. But you have to wonder how signing players until their late thirties to contracts into what’s increasingly become a young man’s game will do. To that extent, it will be a brave new long-term contract world in about five years or so. The length and amount of contracts also limits the mobility of a player. If you sign someone to a long-term deal and they start underperforming in year two, there is no painless solution to this problem.
For teams like Chicago, Pittsburgh, Washington, these deals are necessary because they overwhelmingly involve young players. Lest we forget, they are commodities in addition to being human beings. Their commitment to stay with the team means all kinds of profits: aside from the most obvious in ticket sales, merchandising accounts for a lot of money. Emerging teams stand to gain so much from locking up young players, even though it’s not without risk. Alex Ovechkin, at 24, has already missed a few games to injury so far this season. The thing that fans love about him might be what plagues him in the later years of his huge deal: his style of play. What happens when you sign young players and they either fizzle or become plagued with injury? In the game of long contracts, I’d still say it’s best to roll the dice on young players instead of signing veterans already on the downturn of their careers.
The Shadow of the Wind
I first read about Zafon by chance while browsing the NYT’s online literary section. Another volunteer who has crazily similar literature tastes as me, Raino, asked me later that week if I had read it. Once the book arrived and I started it, I couldn’t put it down.
A lot of comparisons between Zafon and Borges have been made. The elaborate and winding plot and biblio-theme are really the only Borgesian elements. Zafon’s book, as Stephen King describes it, is “full of cheesy splendor.” I’m certain that any comparisons can’t possibly be made to the quality of the writing.
Set amongst the backdrop of Franco’s Spain, the overall mood of the book is gloom and darkness. Barcelona is frequently covered in rain and fog. Nature creates the mood and Zafon uses it often. At the center of the novel is a mysterious library of lost books: books that have perhaps only one existing copy left in the world and are guarded from complete extinction. One day a father takes his son, Daniel, to this near-sacred place and allows him to pick his own book to read, love and protect. This singular moment starts of a series of events that stretches into the past and affects the future while bringing countless mysterious people into Daniel’s life as he searches for more information about the author. Who wrote this book? Why have other works by the author been destroyed by a masked man? And why is that same man now following Daniel? Zafon takes his time to tie and untie this knot of a mystery, which is the strongest point of the book: its elaborate and challenging plot is capped off with a flurry of events that finally puts all the puzzle pieces into place.
While he’s certainly no Borges, Zafon certainly creates the character depth and element of mystery that is required to sustain reader interest for the almost five hundred pages of the book. A prequel, The Angel’s Game is now available and I hope to read it soon.
Some of my favorite quotes:
“Those who really love, love in silence, with deeds and not with words.”
“…the eternal stupidity of loving those who hurt us the most.”
“It’s funny how we judge other and don’t realize the extent of our disdain until they are no longer there, until they are taken from us. They are taken from us because they’ve never been ours.”
“Memories are worse than bullets.”
“Most of us have the good fortune of seeing our lives fall apart so slowly we barely notice.”
Here you will find many treasures
- A student having a USB drive called, “Gangsta XXX” (I blame that on American culture being omnipresent on TV and music around the world)
- The healing powers of being able to shop at EuroMax, a chain grocery store that has a huge selection of Western amenities. They are even decorated for Christmas just as intensely as American groceries stores are now
- If I haven’t mentioned it before, Albanians gently shake their heads from side to side to agree with you; if the answer to a question is “no,” they will usually make a clucking sound
- Seeing a scorpion inside a house
- Using bay leaves not only to cook with but also to make tea (it’s delicious)
- Home remedies: Albanians telling us to eat dairy products if our stomachs are upset; telling us our stomachs hurt because our feet aren’t being kept warm enough; and telling us not to drink cold water because it will hurt our tonsils
- The actual monetary system versus the colloquial monetary system: frequently in spoken Albanian, someone will say something costs 4,000Lek. What they really mean, however, is that something costs 400Lek, or a little over $4 instead of $40. “Old Lek” and “New Lek,” as they are called, have been causes for a lot of confusion no matter how long we’ve been here. You go to a store and see a price tag for 20Lek, but when you give it to the cashier, he will tell you to pay 200Lek, even though what he really means is the sticker price of 20Lek.
- In Albanian, a vacuum is called a “fshese me korent,” or a “broom with electric.” I’m still deciding whether or not I like that better than the German “Staubsauger,” which means “dust sucker.”
New Year’s Resolutions
On a personal level, I’m enjoying the journey I am on even if there have been times of deep doubt. I have already learned a lot of things about myself, many of which I am proud of. I also know that I have a lot to work on when it comes to my negative behaviors, specifically patience and understanding. Sometimes it is not always easy for me to remain patient because I just don’t understand people. That frequently leads me to get annoyed. Already I’ve been in situations where I’ve had to work with others that are disrespectful, difficult to trust or grudge-bearing and I’ve had to adapt and learn how to make things work. It’s improved me for the better but there is still much more to do.
I’ve learned that it’s a fine line between doing what it takes to keep the peace and becoming a martyr, and I’ve often felt completely in the middle of these two things and unhappy because of it. I feel like I apologize far too much in an effort to please people and keep things running smoothly. While I have no trouble expressing my feelings and ideas, I feel that they aren’t always heard with the same respect that I listen to others. This also causes frustration for me because respect is so important. Sometimes I wonder where my spine has gone in the time since I’ve been here because I find myself tolerating far more things than I ever would have in the United States. There have also been times of great disappointment in people and sometimes in myself, so I also need to consider expectations and their dangers.
My resolution this year is really a couple of things: to work on being more patient and understanding; to not be afraid to stick up for myself, even if it isn’t what people want to hear; to not be so accommodating; to not be as demanding; and to be as realistic as possible with expectations. I’m also trying to work on a balance of giving back to people no more and no less what they give to me; I believe in reciprocity and equality in every kind of relationship.
For Invitees
Here is an excerpt:
…”You will spend ten weeks completing training and then move to your permanent site where you will stay for two years. You will arrive at your permanent site at the beginning of summer which is a time when people are taking many vacations or working fewer hours. It is going to be slow and coping with that will take some adjustment. Even once September begins and holidays are over it still may take some time for you to define your role in your host organization and start identifying people to work with. Don’t be too hard on yourself if you don’t mesh instantly or see results until later—it is all part of adjusting. Since language is such a huge part of culture, you’ll come to understand the meaning of “avash, avash” once you enter the workplace, and although it might be a challenge, one shouldn’t forget that character is forged through challenges and that experiences, good and bad, present a tremendous opportunity for deep personal growth. This applies to all aspects of your life here, not exclusively to your professional life.
You may have specific ideas and goals in mind for your service, and setting goals is important. But it is also important not to set the bar too high—you are moving to a different country, with a different language and culture, and there will be many adjustments. Setting your expectations too high will make your life here difficult. Instead, take the opportunity to relax a little and realize that every day will bring something unexpected, often times for the good. I feel in many ways that what makes my life here so interesting is its unpredictability; I never know what to expect. Being a control freak, I can say that this experience has already taught me so many positive things about releasing my grip on the reins and just going with the flow that everyday life brings.
The time passes so quickly. Before you know it, you will be here. Staging and the last-minute soul searching before flying out; PST and swearing in; and before you know it, you’ll be writing a letter to the next group of volunteers after spending eight months in country. It is with this in mind that I wish you enjoyable months at home before embarking on this journey that will change your life in so many ways, many of which you couldn’t even conceive of now.”
My Office

All four of the foreign language teachers at my school share an office. Normally, our classes start at 8:30 (but we get here around 8:00) and run until 1:30. The Ministry of Education will require an additional hour of teaching starting in the New Year, meaning classes will finish at 2:15. I’m not exactly sure how this will work, but two other teachers re-arranged the office to make room to work with students in our office.
This re-arranging meant that the library bookshelves that I obsessively organized had to be gutted to put the shelves on top of a cabinet to gain more floor space. It certainly looked a lot nicer before they did that. Somewhere in the move a shelf got broken as well, so I’m afraid what that bottom shelf will soon look like (probably filled with junk).

It’s difficult for me to work in the office. We only have one computer and one power outlet. I’ve taken my laptop with me on some days, but there is only so much I can do without internet and only running in battery power. For these reasons, I do most of my written and research work at home because it’s easier. Also, now that it’s winter and the window in the picture is perpetually open, it’s even hard to type because my hands get so cold and you can see your breath indoors. It’s to the point where it doesn’t even matter what I wear to school anymore because I just keep my scarf and coat on all day anyhow.
Even more depressing than the constant rain outside is that it’s usually warmer outside than it is inside. I can see my breath. In the past couple weeks, while it’s been about 50 degrees in my room when I go to bed, I still have to sleep inside of my mummy bag with a ton of other blankets on top of me.
Cultural Day – Christmas and New Years
“Hey I don't know if you have a mixer, I am assuming that you don't, so I am thinking that you should use this recipe, this is your great Grammy Daeufer's recipe.”
Here is a brief list of ingredients I don’t have: chocolate chips, baking powder, brown sugar, molasses to make improvised brown sugar using white sugar, imitation vanilla, vanilla extract, confectioner’s sugar and Kitchen Aid mixers.
What I do have: broken up chocolate bars, Dr. Oetker’s Backpulver, plain white sugar that I’ve mixed with the small amount of remaining brown sugar that I had left, vanilla sugar to add at least some vanilla flavoring and my two hands.
If my host sister would have been home, I would have had her take several actions shots of me in the kitchen as I prepared chocolate chip cookies, chocolate cake, brownies and cut-outs for the teachers and students of my school. I couldn’t help but laughing about the mixer question as I broke down and mixed the 5 cups of flour in the cut-out dough by hand. I have to add that all baking and cooking is highly, highly improvised here. Ingredients, baking temperatures and times, baking surfaces. Everything. And for the most part, after six hours in the kitchen the last two days, it turned out really well. I put out a giant tray of cookies in the teacher’s room and got a bunch of “te lumshin duart,” an Albanian compliment that means “bless your hands.”
I then had a cultural day with around fifteen English students where we discussed American holiday traditions at this time of the year. I made a Power Point with pictures that I used to explain our traditions. Part of our goals as Peace Corps Volunteers is to explain and exchange American culture, and I think this cultural day was successful in doing that.
And you thought popcorn balls were bad…
I walked downstairs for some coffee one afternoon and walked into a kitchen full of women laboring over a tepsie of baklava. This requires some back story.
1. Tepsie are baking pans that I’ve never seen in any other place before. They are always round and come in various sizes, from large to humongous. I once used a large tepsie to serve a breakfast that had two plates, other accoutrements and two mugs and still had tons of room. They are used to make byrek first and foremost.
2. Byrek is a ubiquitous Balkan pastry filled with any variety of things. My favorite is the byrek my host mom makes with tomatoes and onions, but there are pretty good byrek places on the street where you can buy byrek with eggs and a dairy product that tastes like cheese but has the texture of dry cottage cheese. It is a lot of work to make because you have to make several layers of dough to make it flaky and crispy, but it’s delicious.
3. “Byrek” is also a catch-all translation for any kind of desert. “Byrek me chocolate” (literally: byrek with chocolate) is what I’ve heard brownies called, “Byrek me kungull” (byrek with pumpkin, although “kungull” can really mean zucchini, pumpkin or any variety of anything that is remotely like this) is pumpkin pie. Still trying to rap my head around how the word for a layered, greasy pastry is used to describe American desserts, but that is the wonder of the Albanian language. Kate and I were laughing about this shoddy translation the other day.
4. Baklava is commonly made for Bajram, a holiday celebrated by Albanian Muslims, and for New Years.
And now to the important part: how do you make baklava? Here’s a recipe that the Peace Corps gave us, but it involves a serious amount of cheating because it tells us to buy frozen filo dough. My family not only made the dough, but shelled and chopped all the walnuts. I can’t stress how much work it is to make a completely homemade baklava.
* 4 cups finely chopped walnuts
* 1/4 cup sugar
* 1 tablespoon ground cinnamon
* 1 cup butter, melted
* 1 (16 ounce) package frozen filo dough.
* 1 cup sugar
* 1/2 cup water
* 1/4 cup honey
* 1 teaspoon lemon juice
* 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1. In a bowl, combine the walnuts, sugar and cinnamon; set aside. Grease a 13-in. x 9-in. x 2-in. baking dish with some of the melted butter. Unroll filo dough sheets (keep dough covered with plastic wrap while assembling).
2. Place one sheet of filo in baking dish; brush with butter. Top with a second sheet; brush with butter. Fold short ends under to fit the dish. Sprinkle with about 1/4 cup nut mixture. Repeat 18 times, layering two sheets, brushing with butter and sprinkling with nut mixture. Top with remaining dough; brush with butter. Cut into 2-in. diamonds with a sharp knife.
3. Bake at 350 degrees F for 45-55 minutes or until golden brown. Meanwhile, in a saucepan, combine the syrup ingredients; bring to a boil until the water becomes red, well the color of caramel. Reduce heat; simmer, uncovered, for 10 minutes. Pour over warm baklava.
In reality, homemade baklava involves spending about 2 – 3 hours rolling out all the individual layers of dough by hand. You basically take a ball of dough the size of a large gumball and roll it out until it is over a foot wide… then you have to bake that single layer. Imagine having to repeat that process for twenty or so odd times.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Real Life Frogger
Because crossing a street in Albania is a real-life image of what is portrayed virtually in Frogger.
The main traffic circle around Skanderbeg Square in Tirana is sure to give you an adrenaline rush. Walking down the street on Thanksgiving Day in Tirana, I was astounded at the gridlock. And you thought the Surekill Expressway was a parking lot? People who live in Tirana routinely leave an hour early for work to compensate for the flow of traffic.
And the traffic insanity isn’t just limited to the capital city.
During the summer in my village, the Autostrada that is normally 2 lanes (one going in each direction) turns into 3, 4, 5 and even 6 lanes of traffic. It’s terrifying; you can sit and count the near collisions while waiting for the bus. One time we counted 6 near-accidents in forty minutes. The thing is that most Albanian drivers, although I’ve seen them do almost physics-defying maneuvers, are incredibly capable and well-adjusted to this system that, to the outsider, appears to be based solely on chaos. While the statistics about accidents in Albania aren’t great, I can say through my observations that they could be a whole lot worse.
Yes, we have traffic laws here. But does anyone follow them? No. Even if the green light for pedestrians is lit, you have to triple check before stepping onto the street. Red lights for cars? Well, they are basically just suggestions just like the rest of the signals.
Alex Ovechkin once said the difference between driving at home in Russia and in the US is that you can’t bribe a cop in America. Let’s just say Ovechkin’s observation isn’t limited to only Russia.
The best part is the popularity of horn-honking, a mentality that I never quite understood. Imagine you are sitting in your car with no sign of movement at all from the cars in front of you, and your way of confronting this scenario is to not only honk, but hold your horn. Perhaps in all the history of mankind a horn honk has never remedied this scenario. But that doesn’t stop people from trying. My friend Tnaya once suggested the following: that in each car, there is a mechanism that causes the car to self-destruct if the horn is honked. The kicker is that you don’t know when it will be. Maybe it will be a million honks, maybe it will be two honks. All you know is that after a certain number of honks, the next time you beep will cause your car to explode. She reasoned that it would cause people to think long and hard as to whether a single honk on their horn was as important as their life. Tirana would turn into the library of a retirement community if we lived in world where this would ever be legal.
Feedback 89

I was able to attend a few of the German October events in Tirana, where the German Embassy sponsored a ton of cultural events. This year’s was special because of the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin wall, but I’m already looking forward to next year.
I got to see a really interesting exhibit which was a mixture of art and artifacts once the exhibit was “opened.” I arrived at Hotel Dajti earlier in the afternoon, only for the guard to tell me “it’s not open right now, come back at 4.” I came back at 4:00, and interrupted the guard as he raked the leaves in front of the building. I suspected that it wouldn’t have caused any harm for me to just go in at 2:00, but since I sometimes live in one of Kafka’s creations made real, I still had to wait two hours to gain entrance.
In my aesthetics class we talked a lot about what makes art “art” and we talked about the role of museums in the process. The exhibit I saw was in an unusual venue: a practically abandoned, communist-era hotel sitting right in the center of Tirana. Closed after the fall of the regime, Hotel Dajti now houses traveling exhibits. Seeing an exhibit from Eastern European artists composed of pieces largely railing against this ideology is such an incredible juxtaposition. In this hotel, the most important guests of the regime were hosted in a luxury not available for normal people. And now the pride of a former government sits completely abandoned as the paint continues to crack and the weeds continue their assault on what must have been a lovely garden to the rear of the building. Time will eventually catch up to all of us and all the political systems we make.
“So where does this start?” I asked the guard. I was standing between large columns on the main floor and was completely clueless how to navigate. In no specific words, the guard said there were exhibits all over the building so I started by going up to the third floor.
I can’t describe how eerie a feeling it was to walk around an abandoned hotel. The third floor talked a lot about the Berlin art scene and each room on the right hand side of the hall was home to an installation from an Eastern European artist.
We can also talk about the nature of art. It feels to me so personal and yet so public all at once. Can someone create art and keep it on a personal level, or is it like a Pandora’s box, where once you show it to someone it escapes from where you wanted to keep it and becomes public? I prefer to discover art on a personal level, where I can look at it all by myself and not have to worry about what other people think about it or how they see it… of course I’m curious, but I first need to have time to digest and absorb. This would have been a great place to have such a personal experience in a public place if the guard wouldn’t have insisted on following me around. Just when I thought he would leave for good because I’d hear his boots on the stairs, some time would pass and I would hear them come back up the stairs again. The sound of it made me as crazy as the heart beat from the Tell Tale Heart. So the experience was almost as private an experience as you can get in such a large, public place.
My favorite part of the exhibit was seeing the work of Albanian artists. There were a lot of black and white photos chronicling communist times that were very interesting. Another artist had taken the communist writers of former leader Enver Hoxha and inserted Western candy wrappers in between the pages to create quite a statement. What would have happened had authorities seen this? Would the people who wrote those books ever have dreamed of a day when those kinds of Western goods, something so trifle as candy, were available in Albania? Did the artist, as a child, delight in collecting these little, foreign souvenirs?
Another great part of the exhibit was something I had read about before and forgotten until I saw it years later, here, on the other side of the world. After Germany’s reunification, West Germany gave East Germans 100DM of welcoming money. A few years ago a woman went around asking East Germans what they bought with this money and ended up getting thousands of items, some of which were on display. People bought stereos, records, blue jeans, wool sweaters and power tools. The best part, aside from seeing these actual items after all these years, were reading the captions. People talked about wanting to experience owning these goods that were never available to them before. Many people talked about the jeans or sweaters they bought and said they still wore them. A man said he wore a pair of blue jeans as long as he could, and when they got holes on them, he resigned himself to wearing them just around the house. They were completely destroyed. I wondered what I would have done with $50 in a consumer market many times the size I had known. I tried to imagine people getting the money, painstakingly making a decision, and then going to a store and simply buying it like it was a normal thing that had always been there to buy.
And that’s how I spent a warm, November afternoon in Tirana: in an abandoned hotel looking at post-Communist art. And yet somehow, here in Albania, it doesn’t seem the least bit odd.
Eid al-Adha commemorates Ibrahim’s (Abraham) willingness to sacrifice his son, Is’haq. Abraham is an important figure not only in Christianity and Judaism but also in Islam.
From Wikipedia:
One of the main trials of Prophet Ibrahim's life was to face the command of Allah to devote his dearest possession, his only son. Upon hearing this command, he prepared to submit to Allah's's will. During this preparation, when Satan tempted Prophet Ibrahim and his family, Hajar and Ismael drove Satan away by throwing pebbles at him. To remember this rejection of Satan, stones are thrown during Hajj.
At the time of sacrifice, Ibrahim discovered a sheep died instead of Ismail, whom he hacked through neck. When Ibrahim was fully prepared to complete the sacrifice, Allah revealed to him that his "sacrifice" had already been fulfilled. Ibrahim had shown that his love for his Lord superseded all others: that he would lay down his own life or the lives of those dear to him in order to submit to God. Muslims commemorate this superior act of sacrifice during Eid al-Adha.”
Typically, the best animals are to be slaughtered. This is also a time for Muslim charity where people make food donations so that the poor and hungry aren’t without food on this day. People visit their friends and family. My family served veal since we don’t own any livestock and spent many hours visiting family. The holiday also marks the end of Hajj, the pilgrimage to Mecca that every able-bodied Muslim is required to do at least once.
Thanksgiving in Tirana
We stayed with a family who hosted a group of my friends, with four of us staying there in total. Some of us were a little anxious that we’d be spending the holiday with a family that had four children. After we got picked up at the embassy, the wife told us that there would be two Americans married to Albanians also in attendance, and that one of them brought her four kids with her. I love kids so I was kind of looking forward to it, plus it’s been years since I’ve been around a swarm little tater tots for the holidays.
As it turned out to many of our surprises, the kids were the best part.
One complained about a decorative turkey made out of construction paper that was hanging from the back of a door. “I hate construction paper and staples, they are never strong enough!” he said. Later, he informed us of his hatred for raisins when he went through little paper turkeys full of raisins and craisins looking for the one or two M&Ms that went along with them. We made turkeys using toothpicks for legs, an orange for the body and gum drops for feathers. By the time we got there, many of the gum drops had already been unwrapped and eaten. Later on, this same kid had the idea of stabbing an orange a couple thousand times with a toothpick and then squeezing it to make orange juice. He must have done that to about eight oranges to try and fill up a glass. But the quote of the night was when this kid must have been picking through the meat on the tray. His mom saw him and promptly informed him that “you can’t caress a piece of ham and then leave it on the plate.”
As for craisins, one of the younger kids dumped the whole bag out on the floor and then stepped in them. When one of the women came over to help him clean up, he started bouncing up and down and said, “This is FUN!” Another one who was three had whip cream on his pie and was picking it up with four fingers… then putting those four fingers in his mouth. We laughed a lot.
All of the guests interacted really well and we had some very interesting and very humorous conversations, about life in Albania as Americans, about the jobs of embassy workers and about our work as volunteers here. All in all, a really great holiday that I definitely want to repeat next year.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Winter Salad
Here's a popular winter recipe (and a very common dinner for me):
purple cabbage, sliced thinly
one large carrot, peeled and grated
diced cucumber
diced tomato
oil and salt
crumbled white cheese
I also steamed some vegetables (broccoli and cauliflower are in season, and sometimes you can find heads the size of basketballs). The drink is actually a dissolved and fizzy vitamin C.
Fruits and Veggies
One of my favorite things about Albania is all the fresh fruit and vegetables. We’ll go shopping and constantly be amazed at the quality and price of the food. A hangover from Ottoman times, you can find huge shopping bazaars and food tregus that are full of people, colors and life. Shopping is a social event and the vendors remember our faces and what we like. Less formally, there are tons of roadside stands selling fruit and vegetables as well as grilled corn.
Over the summer, we ate a lot of tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, eggplant and watermelon. As the seasons have changed, a trip to the market is an explosion of orange and purple with cabbage and carrots as well as potatoes, broccoli and cauliflower. For a shorter time, we had persimmons and pomegranates. There was also another kind of fruit that my mom made jelly out of (read: boiled the fruit in countless kilos of sugar). It was yellow and bumpy and I’m still looking for its translation. Now we have oranges, lemons (which Albanians will eat by biting right into it, although they often put salt on it first) and mandarins.
Sometimes, I’ve never seen the fruit that my family offers me. As a result, I don’t know how to eat it. It makes me think of a passage from Slavenka Drakulic’s book How We Survived Communism and Even Laughed. After the fall of communism, Western goods flooded the market and people were exposed to all kinds of things that they had never seen before. Drakulic describes how she saw a Polish man eating a banana with the peel on and then saying it was one of the best things he’d ever eaten. Something about this image has stuck with me.
I only have one complain about the food vendors here. Since we’ve been here, we’ve observed that Albanians eat their fruit and vegetables at varying degrees of ripeness. I’ve been told to eat a pear, only to bite into it and be surprised that my teeth haven’t snapped off completely. The same with peaches. I’ve had oranges that tasted like lemons because they were so sour and I’ve also been told that it’s alright to eat a green banana that you could barely peel. To be certain, we have lots of great indigenous food grown here, but the degree of ripeness is the X-factor. I talked to one of my Albanian friends about this, and he told me that everything is controlled by the market. If farmers know that there aren’t many oranges on the market, they will hurry to pick them even when they aren’t ripe because they can sell them at a higher price. It’s your textbook example of supply determining price but it can lead to heartache when all you really want is a ripe plum but instead you end up biting into something that is more like a purple baseball.
A Follow Up on Robert Enke
Spiegel notes the following, albeit far more eloquently than I did:
- The role of a keeper. Baseball has pitchers, hockey has goalies, soccer has its goalkeepers. These are people that have very unique personalities and, by the position they play, are the most important parts of a team. Spiegel says that “there is no position more difficult in soccer,” and that a goalkeeper has to have “strong nerves” and “self-confidence.” A goalie goes for long stretches without any work until there is a flurry. “Enke rarely spoke about the loneliness of being a keeper.”
- Most people around Enke didn’t know the extent of his fear. Recently, it was a fear of not being able to play for the national team in next year’s World Cup (even though he was the favorite for the position). On some days, his anxiety to play in net would be so strong that he didn’t want to go to practice. At one point, he even asked his father if he would “be annoyed” with him if he quit soccer altogether (“My God, Robert, it is not the most important thing,” his father answered).
- Spiegel asks if soccer doesn’t “destroy its own protagonists.” Does the sport “swallow all its talent up and then spit it out as mental wrecks and committers of suicide?” Or is it from a society that “turns performance into a fetish which makes its celebrities sick and depressed?”
- Depression effects everyone, although people with lower incomes are more prone
- Although the WHO has noticed that the number of depression cases has increased, it doesn’t mean that more people are getting sick, it means that more people are being diagnosed
- In Germany, it’s estimated that depression is the cause of 90% of suicides
- General practitioners still don’t know enough about the illness to diagnose and treat it correctly
- One out of every seven people that suffer from severe depression end up taking their lives
- In Europe, suicide is more deadly than AIDS, drug use and traffic accidents… combined
- People with severe depression often have trouble with remembering and sometimes it is so bad that it is similar to dementia. The reason is that cortisone blocks the hippocampus in the brain, which is the part that records new information
- When something good happens, dopamine and serotonin flow through the brain. Depressed people have trouble enjoying anything or feeling good because these chemicals simply don’t flow
- Heavy depression requires medication because the brain makeup changes
- Men are less likely to seek treatment because they don’t want to be seen as weak
Fast Dairy Facts courtesy of Austria
There are four kinds of cheeses: hard, middle hard, soft and “fresh” cheese. The hardness depends on the amount of water
It’s not enough to have just milk to produce cheese, but you need to add acid to the milk (butter milk, yogurt)
After cheese sets up, you put it in a mold to drain off water. Then you put it in a salt bath because the salt brings out even more water
Hard cheeses like Parmesan take 2 – 3 years to age (although an Albanian professor kept insisting that it was 2 – 3 years to spoil)
Austria produces about 220 different kinds of cheese
The French are known for soft cheese (like camembert); Switzerland and Holland are other known cheese producers
The EU has strict guidelines about milk processing, for example: how many bacteria are allowed to be in 100ml of milk and the requirement of a sink near a milking area
You must wash your hands (in a sink) and udders of a cow (with a disposable towel) to prevent the spread of disease
The first milk that comes out should be put into a special container and shouldn’t come in contact with other milk because it has a lot of harmful bacteria
You should always milk a cow until there is nothing left because the last milk that comes out has a good, high fat content of around 12%
As soon as you are done milking, you should remove the milk from the stall immediately because the milk absorbs the smell of the stall
Milk is cooled afterwards to prevent the growth of bacteria
Before, you used to be able to cool the milk by putting it in cold water, but now it is required to keep it at about 8 – 12 degrees. This is done by machines
For me, last week was nice because I got to practice my German and practice my languages in a different way than what I’m used to. It’s value being able to use previous knowledge and experience and apply it in ways that I normally wouldn’t. I’m obsessed with learning new things, whether it’s new vocabulary or facts about cheese production. I want to learn everything and I’ve always been passionate about learning things I didn’t know before.
I was thinking how my host dad and uncle in Germany knew so much about agriculture and how my uncle had a dairy farm, and how my mom is really interested in cheese and yogurt production; and I thought about how much they would have enjoyed the presentations as well.
The week also provided the opportunity to talk with key figures of the school (the director and vice-director), which is something I hadn’t had the chance to do before. I went on a field trip with the vice-director and ended up talking about politics, immigration and economics. The director organized a final dinner on Saturday, and I sat as the only woman at the head of the table and had a great conversation with the director about religion and politics (“Politics? That’s her speciality,” the vice-director told the director from the end of the table). I also spent a lot of time talking to one of the Austrians, who coincidentally had a daughter with my name, a year younger than me, who had also lived in Philadelphia.
What is “hime”? What is “ermik”?
One method of English learning that is popular here is the “grammar translation” method. The main way of practice through this method is by translating. Although we kind of frown upon it since there are many ways to teach a language, it definitely has its advantages. Aside from speaking, which is often difficult for beginners, reading and writing are good ways to learn. Translation is the best, in my opinion, because you are working directly with grammatical structures and accurately understanding connotation. Working with Albanian texts is something that I haven’t done much but have found incredibly beneficial, even if I’m translating into German instead of English.
The Austrian work group arrived at our school last Tuesday, and I was called in to translate. At the beginning, it was incredibly hard. MADTV used to have a sketch where Bobby Lee played a Chinese translator who clearly was not translating with any accuracy, and that’s kind of how I felt at first. I had to rely on another English teacher to translate into Albanian, which wasn’t the most efficient system. On the second day of translating it went a lot better. The Austrians presented a lecture about cheese making and milking and I translated like lightning. I had never done this particular type of instant, face-to-face translating. I mostly was tied to a computer and LEO (a gigantic, online German dictionary) with all the time in the world to perfect the translations. The Austrians remarked on the second day that my language skills came back almost overnight and told me that we needn’t bother with using another translator; that I could just wing it from German into Albanian.
No Golden Arches
According to rumors I heard months ago in Elbasan, a McDonald’s will soon be appearing in Durres. Jaded by all those rumors of Red Lobster going in on the strip back at home, I told the smiling Albanian that wanted to share the joyous, capitalistic news that I would “believe it when I see it.”
Perhaps the oddest aspect in all of this isn’t that we are in a foreign, McDonaldless land, but rather the whole-hearted attempts to fill this Value Meal void. There are completely random restaurants made to mirror American fast food establishments all over the country. I’ve seen them in numerous Albanian cities: maybe it’s a restaurant front that looks eerily like a KFC or something with a name easily mistaken for “McDonald’s” at first glance. Try as they might, when they sell me a “hamburger” made out of a ¼” thick spiced pork patty, I’m not going to approve. Maybe that’s just semantics. The best of the knock-off restaurants is in Tirana. Called “Kolonat,” its logo somehow resembles a letter “M,” (I don’t even know how the “M” would even figure into the equation since it’s a fast food restaurant starting with the letter K) and its color scheme is… you guessed it, yellow and red.
McDonald’s has come a long way in a short time, for better or for worse. But just not Albania. And even though I never eat there when I’m at home, you can have no doubts that I’m going to put a burger and fries away on the first day I’m in neighboring Macedonia.
On a somewhat related note: check out The Economist’s Big Mac Index.
Benoit Sokal
It was the distaste for these topics that lead me to the work of game developer (although he’s described himself primarily as a “story teller”) Benoit Sokal.
Sokal takes us beyond the long-clichéd World War 2 battlefield or terrorist detention center and gives us something more. Whether in quaint village toy factory full of automatons, or the vast Siberian tundra, or a fictional African country or in an abandoned Art Deco hotel, Sokal’s environments are striking in their beauty, variation and scope.
Instead of scantily glad women like Lara Croft, Sokal’s heroines are first and foremost intelligent women with strong personalities. This is far from the norm in video games as well, and that’s what makes it so refreshing.
His creations are far more than video games. Aside from challenging puzzles and casts of memorable characters, they are works of art. In 2001’s Syberia, Sokal created an entire world full of beauty and mystery along with highly developed story lines. Can a video game be art? “As far as it creates emotion, it is 'art,’” according to Sokal.
Here is an example of that art that is already eight years old.